Verto Studio allows users to publish their creations directly to VertoStudio.com's online cloud.
Visitors of Verto Studio Cloud can view scenes directly within their web browsers without having
to have Verto Studio 3D installed on their machines. No other modeling service provides such a fast method
to export scenes to many viewers as possible all over the world.
Don't be fooled by the "mobile" label. Verto Studio is a powerful modeling tool
that allows you to manipulate complex 3D scenes with just a single finger.
Listed below, are just a few of Verto Studio 3D's featured capabilities.
- Built-in shaders including reflection/refraction environment mapping, BRDF, bump-mapping and more!
- Built-in glsl shader-editor.
- Render pipeline editor for multipass & post-processing effects with built-in blending operators
- Editing transform handles for translate/rotate/scale tools
- Instances (duplicate many, edit once)
- OBJ file import/export
- Dropbox/Drive import of Verto Studio and OBJ files
- Image rendering support
- 3D Primitives
- Planes
- Cubes
- Spheres
- Toruses
- Cylinders
- 3D Text complete with font selection and built-extrusion.
- Terrain generator (height field)
- 3D Sketch tool
- Skybox type
- Cubemap renderer type to live-generate environment maps.
- Mesh Augmentation
- Polygon extrusion
- Polygon subdivision
- Copy and paste between scene documents
- Texture coordinate editor
- Other Editing Features
- Vertex Translation/Rotation/Scaling
- Mirror
- Laplacian smooth
- Mesh separation
- Material editor
- Texture mapping
- Texture coordinate editing
- Camera texture capture
- Lighting editor
- Simultaneous camera view with 4-view split screen.
- Orthographic projection mode for engineering and CAD applications
- Advanced camera controls for FOV angle and near and far plane manipulation
- "Fly through" mode. Fly through the scene in full screen using FPS-game-style controls.
- Built-in cubemaps (preset environment maps)
- Undo