Monthly Archives: December 2012

Background Noise

Various setbacks over the last two weeks have slowed down my progress on this project.  Finding time to work on it during weekdays is tough.

One thing I notice about me is that my “obsession” with programming seems to come in waves.  Three to four weeks of endless coding followed by a three to four week break when I’m more sociable and “in the real world”.  One thing that’s obvious is that going against the grain doesn’t work out so well.  It’s difficult for me to focus and work on game development when I am in a “social mode”, and I never want to go out and be sociable when I’m in a “introverted programmer mode”.  Most people seem to be permanently in one mode or the other, so I’m happy for both and I’ll go with the flow in the meantime.

I hope to pick things back up soon and post an update next week.  Once I push past the monotonous coding for saving and loading of physics properties, I’ll move onto something more creative such as hashing out the tentative “level 1″ from my previous designs.